From the course: Leading in Uncertain Times

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Shaping the future with clarity

Shaping the future with clarity

From the course: Leading in Uncertain Times

Shaping the future with clarity

- My friend and colleague Bob Johansen has been researching and writing about the future for over 30 years. Among his many brilliant insights about how to prepare for an ever changing world, one of my favorites is this, quote, "The future will reward clarity, but will punish certainty." It's worth saying again, "The future will reward clarity, but will punish certainty." We've devoted quite a bit of time to acknowledging the uncertainty in our lives. It makes sense that the future would punish the hubris of a leader who believes something is certain when it is, in fact, out of their control. But the point about clarity is critically important. How do we have clarity about a future that promises to be more complex, more crowded and more confusing than ever? For starters, you can have clarity about your own values and beliefs. What do you value today? What will you stand up for both now and in the future? Where are you…
