From the course: Leading in Uncertain Times

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Resist solving the problem

Resist solving the problem

- Adaptability is an overarching strategic skill. But if you're an adaptable manager, you also manifest your adaptability moment to moment in daily life. You're not operating from a script, and you don't always know the answers. One of the most crucial skills for an adaptable manager, according to coaching expert and author Michael Bungay Stanier is the ability to stay curious longer and not immediately jump to conclusions or prescribe a course of action. That allows you to stay adaptable in the moment as more facts emerge. Here's how to do it. First, there's a human tendency to jump on solutions and try to resolve problems quickly, and that's only exacerbated if you're a manager. After all, if you're in charge, you often feel pressure to prove that you know what you're doing. But according to Bungay Stanier, the best thing you can do is to resist that impulse. It often takes more time to fully understand the…
