From the course: Leading in Uncertain Times

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Predict and plan

Predict and plan

- As a manger it's your job to guide your team and give them just a right amount of direction to help them succeed. That's hard enough on its own with people's different personalities and learning styles. But compounding the challenge is that you never really know when circumstances beyond your control might change everything and force you to alter your plans. The only thing we know for certain is that we can't predict everything. So how can you elevate your ability to see around corners so you can better predict and plan for future occurrences? Here are three strategies, it's worth thinking about. First, rethink your planning horizon. Read them a graph, a professor at Columbia Business School did a comprehensive survey of successful firms and realized that one major commonality they all had was instead of traditional annual planning cycle, they had accelerated it dramatically. Most successful companies often employed…
