From the course: Leading in Uncertain Times

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Manage your uncertainty

Manage your uncertainty

- Let's discuss how uncertainty impacts your psychology and brain, and what you can do to change your brain in order to manage uncertainty better. I once worked with a senior leadership team in a Fortune 500 food and beverage company. Their competitors had recently co-opted part of their market share and their profits plunged. Rattled by this, they asked me to help them with a mindset strategy to get back on track to regain their market share. And because I saw how uncertain they were, I told them that we had to address this early on. You see, when you're uncertain, your brain distorts how you see things. For that reason, you can't think straight. One study specifically demonstrated that 75% of people believe something bad is about to happen even when that's not the case. We call this a negativity bias. The negativity bias can be even worse when someone is generally anxious. In almost every moment of life, you…
