From the course: Leading in Uncertain Times

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Inspire resilience for your team

Inspire resilience for your team

From the course: Leading in Uncertain Times

Inspire resilience for your team

- When I work with leaders, helping them to enhance their resilience, we always start by looking inwards. So thinking where their resilience levels are right now, what they need to work on as a leader, what's really going to help them to thrive. And that's definitely the place to start. However, once you've started thinking about that, it's really important to start thinking about resilience for your team. So if you want to inspire resilience in others, you need to show others how you're doing this. You can be really honest about what you're working on, where your strengths are when it comes to resilience, where there are areas where you want to get a bit better or you're learning or you're pushing yourself outside your comfort zone and that can really help to inspire your team. So one of the questions that I'm asked most often is how do I know where my team needs to be more resilient? And actually, there's no definitive…
