From the course: Leading in Uncertain Times

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Help people change

- Your mindset often defines how you respond the change. The psychologist, Carol Dweck, talks about this difference between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset. You could say there's a similar range of attitude towards change, a static mindset and an adaptive mindset. Psychologists are pretty clear on why we develop such different mindsets about change. A fixed or static mindset allows us to have some level of predictability in our lives, resulting in a greater sense of control. If things stay the same, we need to take very few risks and if we don't need to take risks, then fewer things can go wrong. But for people who see themselves as growing and changing, learning new ways to do things actually can be its own reward. So, where do you fit on this spectrum? If you feel you have more of a static mindset, or you have people who work for you who do, then the big question is how does someone develop a mindset that allows…
