From the course: Leading in Uncertain Times

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Be transparent in times of crisis

Be transparent in times of crisis

From the course: Leading in Uncertain Times

Be transparent in times of crisis

- As an expert in corporate crisis response, I've been involved in hundreds of issues and crises, both big and small. In some instances the crisis dissipates in a matter of days or weeks. In others, it becomes a much more profound obstacle that lingers and grows in an organization, corroding relationships with employees, shareholders, and customers. While incredibly difficult in the moment, transparency is often the element that makes the difference between a bump in the road and losing your license to operate. That's because business has a responsibility to its customers, shareholders, and employees to act in their best interest and to share information openly. In times of crisis this responsibility becomes even more relevant and expectations of all audiences are heightened. So how do we think about transparency during a crisis? It all begins with getting the facts immediately. It's natural, when you're being attacked…
