From the course: Leading Diverse Teams to Success

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Use micro validations and micro affirmations

Use micro validations and micro affirmations

From the course: Leading Diverse Teams to Success

Use micro validations and micro affirmations

- Many of our behaviors fall on a spectrum of microbehaviors. These range from negative to positive. In the previous video, we looked at the negative or microaggressions. These types of situations are going to come up on diverse teams. As a manager, you hold an important responsibility in acknowledging and addressing them, and in creating an environment where these negative experiences are balanced with positive ones or microaffirmations. Microvalidation, or sometimes called microaffirmations, are words or actions that signal a person is welcomed and valued. These acts don't cancel out microaggressions one for one, but in an environment where a person is regularly affirmed, the blow of an unaffirming experience has less of a sting. Here are some practices you can take to be microaffirming in your leadership. Number one, acknowledge culture. As a manager, it's important to recognize people on your team if they celebrate different holidays and when appropriate, acknowledge them…
