From the course: Leading a Marketing Team

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Understand your boss's expectations

Understand your boss's expectations

From the course: Leading a Marketing Team

Understand your boss's expectations

- I've held many positions in my long career. If I've learned anything, it's this, the sooner you can get together with your new boss and understand his or her agenda, the better off you're going to be. You need to sit down with your boss and have a lengthy conversation to understand a lot of things. First, I suggest you come straight out and ask your boss this, what are you trying to achieve in your role? What ambitions do you have in the company? And how can I play a part in helping you do that? Now this may sound like you're sucking up to the boss, but it really isn't. It's having a clear conversation about your intentions to help your boss succeed. If your boss sees you making it a priority to help him or her succeed, they're more likely to do the same for you. It's the rule of reciprocity. Next, get a clear understanding from your boss about the constraints that you must work within. Constraints come in many…
