From the course: Leading a Marketing Team

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Recruit the best talent

Recruit the best talent

- Perhaps the most important role of the marketing leader is creating a competent team. For that reason alone it's one of the most challenging. It's a constant fight for talent. You may have the best products and services in the market, but without a strong, talented marketing team behind them you'll start losing ground to the competition. Building a competent team begins with recruiting and hiring the right people. But hey, it takes much more than just telling your HR department to go fill open slots. Top marketing leaders get actively involved. So when is the best time to recruit marketing people? All the time. And what I mean by that is you should think of recruiting as an ongoing activity. You need a pipeline of potential marketers ready to step in when a position opens up. When I hire marketing people I always look for certain characteristics beyond just job experience and track record. I look for people who are…
