From the course: Leadership Principles for Emerging Leaders with Bill George

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Connect your motivations to your strengths

Connect your motivations to your strengths

- Think about your current job or role. Are you in your sweet spot? Your sweet spot is where you use your greatest strengths and you're highly motivated, particularly your intrinsic motivations. Let me unpack that a little bit for you. You know, in the old days people tried to fix my weaknesses. I had two decades of companies trying to fix, it never worked. Today, I think we want to find ourselves in a role where it played to our greatest strengths, and that allows us to minimize our weakness, surround ourselves with people who can compliment our strengths with their strengths. Now, beyond that though, I think you want to find yourself in a job that's highly motivating for you, not just for the extrinsic motivation and money, fame and power, and getting ahead, but more for how do you want to lead? What kind of person am I? How am I helping other people? How am I developing myself? How am I growing from this experience?…
