From the course: Leadership Effectiveness: Moving Beyond Traditional Success Metrics

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Refine workflows to combat burnout and stress

Refine workflows to combat burnout and stress

- As a leader, you have a lot of ways to support your team members, but one of the most impactful is often overlooked, making your employees' work environment more efficient and less stressful. I can't tell you how many times I've heard from employees who'd rather their managers focus on streamlining their work, then sign them up for another resilience course. Yeah, being able to bounce back from adversity is important, but what if you could remove some of the things contributing to their feelings of anxiety and burnout? Taking the time to simplify your team's daily workflow not only accelerates their performance, but also demonstrates that you care about their wellbeing. That's serious impact. Here are four practical strategies you can use to give your team members more time to focus on doing their work versus reporting on, tracking, or verifying their tasks. First of all, reduce reporting requirements. Look at the reports your team generates on a regular basis and assess their…
