From the course: Leadership Effectiveness: Moving Beyond Traditional Success Metrics

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Incorporate new metrics

Incorporate new metrics

- Now that you know the practices of highly effective leaders who have a wide reaching impact on their teams, it's time to assess how you compare against a more comprehensive and meaningful benchmark. As a first step, I invite you to download the self-assessment in the exercise files. Then you'll follow the directions to rate your current skills on a scale of one to five in each of the areas we discussed. Your results will give you some important information. If you score a four or five in a certain category, that's an area of strength you should lean into. Look for ways to emphasize that practice. If you rank yourself as a three or below in a category, you've identified an excellent opportunity for growth and development. What changes could you make, even little ones, to incrementally enhance your leadership impact? Next, create a development action plan. Focus on the practices with room for growth and identify some tangible ways to strengthen and expand those skills. Maybe you meet…
