From the course: Leadership Effectiveness: Moving Beyond Traditional Success Metrics

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Harness the power of diverse perspectives

Harness the power of diverse perspectives

- How would you describe your team dynamics? Think about the interactions and the unspoken rules. Do people hesitate to express what they assume will be an unpopular opinion? Is the creativity in the room stifled because of a resident devil's advocate? Is there a tendency to avoid in-depth discussions in favor of moving on to the next topic? Here's the thing. Diverse perspectives add value. They're the fuel for finding greater solutions and driving innovation. Admittedly, gathering those different opinions takes time, and sometimes it feels messy or creates conflict, but leaders and teams who harness the power of diverse experiences and ideas reap the rewards. So how does your team rank when it comes to embracing and leveraging diversity in thoughts, backgrounds, and experiences? As a leader, how can you create an environment where diverse perspectives are not only welcome, but actively sought out and valued? Here are a few ideas. First, build trust before collaborating. If you want…
