From the course: Leadership Effectiveness: Moving Beyond Traditional Success Metrics

A holistic approach to leadership evaluation

- As a leader, you likely focus your attention on making sure your team members hit their metrics, meet deadlines, and can look to you for the latest information. But let me ask you something, is that all there is to leadership, just numbers, deliverables, and expertise? While these factors are certainly important, true leadership covers a much broader spectrum, one that goes beyond the boundaries of traditional success metrics. I'm Sara Canaday, and I'd like to welcome you to this course. As a leadership strategist, author, and instructor, I'm excited to share this progressive topic with you. We'll dive into the mindset and habits of great leaders who use a wider lens to assess their effectiveness and success. And in the process, we'll pinpoint some often overlooked opportunities that can help transform your role as a leader. Ready? Let's dive in.
