From the course: Layout and Composition: Marketing Material/Collateral

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The rollout of materials

The rollout of materials

- Imagine yourself, visiting your car mechanic. They tell you that your car needs a new transmission, brake pads, air conditioning unit, seats, and window tinting. Your first response, unless you are fabulously rich, is how much will this cost? Clients are no different when presented with a long list of materials to produce. In the instance of your car, you may decide the window tinting can wait. The exact cost savings approach may also be best for your client. There are some items that they cannot do without. Like an online presence or a business card and others that may be less critical like the mug with a client's logo. Some items are basic needs of business, the website or stationary system, for example. You can produce other deliverables over a more extended period. The nominal initial production cost lessens the sticker shock of making a vast suite of materials and helps create a longer relationship between…
