From the course: Layout and Composition: Marketing Material/Collateral

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Email blasts

Email blasts

- For years, I remained a purist in the discussion of digital versus physical. I insisted that an artifact in the recipient's hands had more impact than an email. I continue to believe in the power of a beautiful object, but an email blast is an excellent option to impart information quickly and promptly. Before beginning to design the email blast, make sure you have a good list of contacts. It's better to have fewer correct email addresses than a giant batch that might be ancient and no longer in service. In terms of scale and layout, there are many options, but there are a few rules to remember. For a decade, 600 pixels wide was the standard. Now many people have larger screens, so the size could be 1,000 pixels wide. But it also needs to work on a mobile device, which is usually 320 pixels wide. For layout, less is more. People won't read long paragraphs. Keep the information to a few key sentences that hit the point…
