From the course: Layout and Composition: Marketing Material/Collateral

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Components of a stationery system

Components of a stationery system

- Before the advent of the internet and email, every business and individual had custom designed stationary systems, which communicated professionalism and stability. While email is the dominant media for informal business communication, a printed letterhead addresses formal needs or signifies a vital message. Every company or organization benefits from a stationary system to maintain a unified voice for correspondence and communication. I had a client once who came to me with 20 variations, designed by each department at his company. The message to the outside world clearly communicated was we're disorganized. A stationary system manages production costs. If I print the group of business cards with multiple names once every three months, it will be less expensive than printing one business card this week and another two weeks later. The specific elements of a stationary system will vary by client. A smaller company…
