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STAR method of explaining projects

STAR method of explaining projects

- The STAR method gives you a solid framework when explaining your past work experiences. STAR is short for situation, task, action, and result. And this acronym is a great way to lock in the four beats you should hit when answering open-ended behavioral interview questions. For example, the question might be, tell me about a time when you showed leadership. So let me show you how this all works. The first beat is situation. You need to make sure your story has a well-defined border or your story might go off the rails. If you end up explaining one situation and then go on a tangent about a related situation, you might not have enough time to get to the true meat of your story. You need to stay focused, because interviews don't last all day long. Next, clearly explain the task or the goal you're trying to achieve in your story. This will give your situation further context. You're defining the role you played within the…
