From the course: Landing a Business Intelligence Role

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Phone screening

Phone screening

- Once your resume gets in front of a pair of human eyes and that person signs off on interviewing you, the next step is a phone screening. The hiring manager will reach out to you to find a time for a quick chat. No hard-hitting questions, salary negotiation or hypotheticals. It's just a simple quick chat. So why do they do this? The reason for a phone screening is pretty simple. They do this just to make sure you are consistent with what's written in your resume. The questions they ask won't be too in depth. They're getting a read on if they want to schedule time to bring you in for an in-person interview. This conversation shouldn't be too long. And your objective here is just to be passable. I would strongly advise against trying too hard to be impressive during this first initial interaction. You need to be professional yet personable. Someone that this person could see themselves working with day to day. The…
