From the course: Landing a Business Intelligence Role

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Online vs. in-person education

Online vs. in-person education

- There's an interesting landscape to analytics education. You can get a four-year college degree that will cost over six figures or on the other extreme end of the spectrum, you can essentially get the same, if not very similar education on YouTube for free. This may seem a bit counterintuitive, but there are trade-offs to either end of the spectrum. The major benefit of getting a four-year degree at a university or college is that it greatly improves your personal brand. Having a degree just carries more clout than stringing together a series of low-cost analytics certifications. On a related note, depending on which higher education institution you attend, there will be an alumni network that you can plug into. Now, not all alumni networks are created equal. For example, Harvard's alumni network is going to be much stronger than a small, regionally recognized state school. Just being in the club gives you an in to…
