From the course: Landing a Business Intelligence Role

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Building your analytics skills blueprint

Building your analytics skills blueprint

From the course: Landing a Business Intelligence Role

Building your analytics skills blueprint

- What skills do I need to learn to land my first business intelligence role? I get this question all the time, and to be honest, it's a tad bit silly because I can't answer it at face value. I need for you to give me more context in order to give a meaningful response. My default answer has become, it depends. But I found a much better answer. In this lesson, I'm going to share with you what I now tell these students, how they can build an analytic skills blueprint. Your analytic skills blueprint gives you a concrete stack of skills that help get you through the door and into the interview seat. Now it's a two step process. The first step? So you need to find three job postings that would be your ideal job within this industry. Then step two, head down to the skills section and copy all of these skills, and aggregate them into one Google Doc. Now you have a list of skills that you can focus on and make meaningful…
