From the course: Landing a Business Intelligence Role

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Building a thoughtful network

Building a thoughtful network

- LinkedIn is not a numbers game. You don't get some special prize for having the most connections of anyone you know. In fact, adding connections without intention can really hurt the potential value that a well-curated LinkedIn news feed can bring. The value that LinkedIn can bring you is a constant news feed of information all about the business intelligence industry. I strongly encourage you to follow some thought leaders in this space, such as Kenji, Danny Ma, Alex the Analyst, Albert Bellamy, and of course, the "How to Get an Analyst Job" podcast page. These voices are focused on upscaling, which is an important component of landing your next opportunity. To make your feed customized to you, start connecting with local analysts in your area. This is a great way to build a personal connection. And don't be afraid to ask for an in-person meeting, either. Just meeting for a cup of coffee every so often will keep…
