From the course: Kubernetes: Provisioning with Terraform and Kubespray

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Performing advanced configuration

Performing advanced configuration

- [Instructor] Kubespray has lots of configuration options. While I won't cover them in this course, it's useful to know where they are and what they look like in case you're interested in tweaking your Kubernetes clusters. First, make sure that you're still in node A and in the temp Kubespray directory. It should say Ubuntu at an IP address, or Ubuntu at node one, over here on the left-hand side. Furthermore, if you type pwd, it should say /tmp/kubespray, which clearly, mine does not. So let's CD into that directory and make sure that we're there. Now that we're here, let's CD into inventory mycluster, or whatever you named your cluster, and group_vars. Let's ls to see what's in here, and then let's ls the all directory. As you can see, there's a lot of files in here. Kubespray provides configuration options for many cloud providers and infrastructure types by way of group variables or group_vars. In Ansible…
