From the course: Kubernetes: Provisioning with Terraform and Kubespray

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Install Docker on Windows with Docker Desktop

Install Docker on Windows with Docker Desktop - Kubernetes Tutorial

From the course: Kubernetes: Provisioning with Terraform and Kubespray

Install Docker on Windows with Docker Desktop

- [Instructor] Let's take a look at how to install Docker on Windows. There are a few minimum requirements that your system will need to meet. You can see them all on Docker's website. We'll start by going to in your favorite browser. I'm using Microsoft Edge for this example. You'll immediately see a blue download icon for your operating system. Click on it to download Docker Desktop. If prompted, give the download a name then click OK or Save. Next, we're going to click or double click on the EXE file that we just downloaded. This will begin the Docker Desktop installation. Note that the installation can take a while to start after you click on it. This prompt is Windows just telling you that you downloaded this application from the internet. Make sure that the verified publisher says Docker Inc here and once you confirm that it does, click Yes to continue. Once the installation starts, you'll be asked…
