From the course: Kubernetes for Java Developers

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Debug a deployment with IntelliJ

Debug a deployment with IntelliJ

- As a Java developer, you're always dealing with tools like NetBeans, IntelliJ, and Eclipse, and you're used to debugging your application in those IDE's. Now, how do I bring those skillsets when I'm building my application in Kubernetes, and deploying in them? This section will explain how you can debug a kubernetes pod, if a cluster is running on your local machine. So, first thing first, deploy our Helm chart. So, let's go to our manifest charts directory, and now, I'm going to install my helm chart. Helm, install, name, myapp, myapp. And this deploys my application. Let's confirm it. We, of corse, have to say get before this. And so we can see all the resources have been successfully deployed. So, we are in good shape over there. Now let's go to IntelliJ, for example, in this case, and set up a break point over there. Here's my mavin project that is in IntelliJ here, essentially. And here is my greeting controller. These are my main business logic. Remember this is a very…
