From the course: Java Object-Oriented Programming

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Understanding the difference between class and instance members

Understanding the difference between class and instance members - Java Tutorial

From the course: Java Object-Oriented Programming

Understanding the difference between class and instance members

- [Instructor] So far, we've created a class blueprint and built instances using a constructor. We can continue to organize our code by using static and non-static members. In fact, we've already been writing code that's non-static. Non-static members are parts of a class that are accessible via an instance and belong to that instance. This means you'll need to create an instance in order to access a non-static member. In our Tree example, the height, trunk and treeType are all examples of non-static members. Or specifically, non-static attributes. You'll have to create a tree in order to access the values of these attributes. The announceTallTree behavior is also a non-static member. It's a non-static method that uses an instance's height and treeType in order to announce whether the tree is tall. We could also refer to these non-static members as instance members because you have to create an instance in order to use it or access it. So what about a static member? A static member is…
