From the course: Java Object-Oriented Programming

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Solution: Reduce complexity with polymorphism

Solution: Reduce complexity with polymorphism - Java Tutorial

From the course: Java Object-Oriented Programming

Solution: Reduce complexity with polymorphism

(upbeat music) - [Instructor] To start off we'll create a contact class to represent a contact we might add in our phone. The contact we'll have name, phone number, and email address attributes. All three will be strings. We can represent the phone number as a numerical type, but then we'd have to use a fairly large number. For simplicity we use a string. A given contact could also have a bunch of different phone numbers and email addresses so we could make these lists. But in this example, we'll just say a contact can have one phone number and one email address. For this challenge, we want to be able to create our contacts with different sets of inputs. Sometimes, we'll have access to just a name and a phone number, other times, a name and an email and sometimes all the data. To do this, we'll need to implement compile time polymorphism and overload our constructor. We'll create one constructor that sets up all…
