From the course: Java Object-Oriented Programming

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Solution: Leverage abstraction to write simpler applications

Solution: Leverage abstraction to write simpler applications - Java Tutorial

From the course: Java Object-Oriented Programming

Solution: Leverage abstraction to write simpler applications

(upbeat music) - [Instructor] Let's reduce complexity and code duplication in our event program. We started off with the event interface and this will remain the same. However, instead of each custom event class implementing the interface, we'll have an abstract event class that implements event. Before the timestamp and ID attributes were duplicated across each event. Here, we've put the attributes in a single place, the abstract event class. The implementation of getTimestamp was also duplicated, so we've put it in this common class. Now this is an abstract class, so we can not create instances from it directly, rather other event classes we'll extend this class with more functionality. In that extension the abstract method process will need to be implemented. Let's take a look at how the password change event has changed. Instead of implementing the event interface, this class extends abstract event. In its…
