From the course: Java Object-Oriented Programming

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Discovering abstraction in Java source code

Discovering abstraction in Java source code - Java Tutorial

From the course: Java Object-Oriented Programming

Discovering abstraction in Java source code

- [Instructor] To find some more examples of abstraction, We can look at the Java source code. Java uses abstract classes and interfaces to reduce complexity. Let's jump in. We've taken a look at the ArrayList class a few times now. In its definition, we see it extends AbstractList, which is an abstract class. It also implements a few interfaces. In Java, a class can only extend one other class, but it can implement several interfaces. Let's take a look at the AbstractList class. This extends Abstract Collection because a list is a specific type of collection. Going into Abstract Collection, we see a few abstract methods as well as a few methods that are already implemented. For example, is empty takes whatever the size returns and checks if it's zero. This is a base algorithm that is the same for all collections. Many of the implemented methods use the abstract methods in order to calculate various things such as…
