From the course: Java Object-Oriented Programming

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Challenge: Build an employee class

Challenge: Build an employee class - Java Tutorial

From the course: Java Object-Oriented Programming

Challenge: Build an employee class

(bright upbeat music) - [Instructor] It's time to practice representing objects in code by creating an employee with Java. In this challenge, you'll represent an employee in Java by creating an employee class. The class should have attributes for the employee's name, age, salary and location. Feel free to get creative and add more attributes if you'd like. The employee class should also have a raise behavior that raises the employee's salary. Whether this behavior has a parameter or not is up to you. As a part of this challenge you'll have to determine which members if any, should be static versus non-static. Once you've created your employee class you should create another class for building your employee instances. In the main function of the main class create at least two employees and give one employee a raise then print out the salaries of both employees to ensure the raise took effect. Good luck and have fun.
