From the course: Java Object-Oriented Programming

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Challenge: Banking application

Challenge: Banking application - Java Tutorial

From the course: Java Object-Oriented Programming

Challenge: Banking application

(bright upbeat music) - [Instructor] Let's practice using encapsulation. In this challenge, you'll put your encapsulation skills to the test by modifying a Java program to use this object oriented principle. We'll start off with a bank account class. It has two attributes, owner and balance. Your job is to add behavior to this program so that the owner and balance attributes can be encapsulated in the bank account class while still being accessible to other classes indirectly. Specifically you should add a withdrawal method as well as the deposit method. You might also add a few getters to retrieve the balance or the owner of the account. In order to create a new bank account instance, you'll also need to add a constructor to the class. Once you've set up your bank account class, create a main class that creates a bank account. Withdraw a certain amount from the bank account and then print out the resulting balance to the…
