From the course: Java Object-Oriented Programming

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Accessing specific object forms with instanceof

Accessing specific object forms with instanceof - Java Tutorial

From the course: Java Object-Oriented Programming

Accessing specific object forms with instanceof

- [Instructor] With the OddArrayList class, we created a very specific condition. An item is added depending on whether it's odd or not. We can broaden this class by making it a condition ArrayList where items are added based on a given condition. Let's rename this class to ConditionArrayList. We'll left click on the name, hover over Refactor and rename the references. This is a feature of IntelliJ. Now, since items will be added based on a condition, we'll need to include that condition in the constructor. This condition will be a predicate, something that takes in a value and returns true or false. The predicate could be whether or not the number is positive, whether it's divisible by three or whatever we want. It's defined on creation and that's what we filter our list on. Now, since we'll want to access this predicate in a variety of instance methods, we should make this predicate an instance variable and then we…
