From the course: Java EE: RESTful Service with JAX-RS 2.0

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Bookshop application demo

Bookshop application demo

- [Narrator] This course consists of two applications. The server application that responds to a RESTful API that provides book and author details, and a client application that interacts with a RESTful API and displays book information in a web application. Before we start developing, let's take a look at the structure of the client and the server applications. The front end of the bookshop is structured as a typical web application. It is written in Java and JSF, and I won't go into too much detail about JSF in this course, I will just focus on the Java and the use of JAX-RS from the client perspective. If you are interested in JSF, there are many good resources available out there, that can get you up to speed pretty quickly. Okay, let's switch to the ID and have a look at the code. The project is organized into two modules. One for the client web application and one for the server application. Let's take a look at the client application first. In the web app folder is where you…
