From the course: Jakarta EE Servlets

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Standalone vs. embedded containers

Standalone vs. embedded containers - Jakarta EE Tutorial

From the course: Jakarta EE Servlets

Standalone vs. embedded containers

- [Instructor] Java developers have two approaches to choose from when deciding how to run their servlets within a servlet container. When servlets were first introduced, the only option was to run a servlet within a standalone servlet container. In this model, the servlet container runs as an independent piece of software on a host where the Java runtime is installed. Often, developers would just call this the application server. So on the host, you might install a plain servlet container, like Tomcat, or you may choose to use the servlet container provided within a Jakarta EE server. The difference here is that a pure servlet container like Tomcat is focused on running servlets, and it's not going to provide additional Jakarta EE capabilities, like dependency injection or messaging. You'll find those capabilities in full-blown Jakarta EE servers, like WildFly or Open Liberty, that implement the full Jakarta EE spec…
