From the course: Jakarta EE Servlets

Jakarta Servlets: Building amazing web-based systems with Java - Jakarta EE Tutorial

From the course: Jakarta EE Servlets

Jakarta Servlets: Building amazing web-based systems with Java

- [Kevin] Are you a Java developer looking to take your web-based systems to the next level? Then you need to master Servlets, the foundational technology that powers most Java-based web applications. Even other important web technologies in the Java ecosystem like Spring, JavaServer Pages, and some parts of the Jakarta EE platform are built on top of Servlets. So whether you work with Servlets directly or indirectly through a web framework, it's critical that you understand their purpose and how they work. Hi, I'm Kevin Bowersox, and for over a decade I've been building web-based systems with Java that in one way or another, rely upon Servlets. So if you're ready to get a deeper understanding of how to engineer solutions for Java on the web, join me in my LinkedIn learning course to learn about Jakarta Servlets.
