From the course: IT Service Desk: Customer Service Fundamentals

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When to use mute

When to use mute

- Mute is another customer service task that we may need to perform while resolving an issue with the customer. The challenge with mute, if it's not performed correctly it can make the customer feel frustrated and unimportant. It's also important to understand that muting a customer is not the same as putting them on hold. Let's look at how to utilize mute properly. First, let's define mute. When you mute a customer, it cuts off the microphone on your phone. You can hear the customer, the customer cannot hear you. All the customer may hear is static or silence on the other end. It's important to note that when we use mute, we are still on the line with the customer. Unlike hold, where we are able and free to perform other functions. Mute is designed to be used mostly when there needs to be short pause while working with the customer. A short pause could be any timeframe 15 seconds or less. Perhaps someone is talking loudly, you need to sneeze or cough, or you need to answer a quick…
