From the course: IT Service Desk Careers and Certifications

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Time management

Time management

- [Instructor] IT service desks can vary. Some days will be fast paced, and nonstop, while others will drag on. It will all depend on end users and system stability. So being good at time management is essential. On busy days, you will need to be able to prioritize the tasks and incidents that you have. The full responsibility of this won't fall on your shoulders alone, though. Service level agreements, or SLAs, that are set against tasks and incidents will help gauge you. SLAs generally define how quickly you or the IT department have to respond and complete or resolve an incident or task. For example, you should always prioritize priority one critical incident over a priority four low incident. Your team leader or manager will also be there to provide guidance. Even on days when things are going wrong, and there is a priority one, or several critical incidents, the day to day running of the business still needs to…
