From the course: IT Service Desk Careers and Certifications

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Remote and hybrid workplaces

Remote and hybrid workplaces

- [Narrator] The working world has changed. We now have the technology and hopefully the flexibility to work wherever we want to. Be it at an office, or home, or our favorite coffee shop. However, this flexibility has unique challenges for the end user and the IT department. When working within an office environment you've got that familiar setup and almost controlled environment. When you're working from home, you don't have that. You might have a printer, but it most likely will not be the same as the one in the office. Your local coffee shop will have wifi but it won't be the same as the one in the office. So, what happens when things go wrong remotely? Supporting workers remotely presents challenges for the IT department and the IT service desk. Things aren't standard and you don't have control over them. You won't be able to provide the wifi password for an environment the end users are working in, as you didn't set it…
