From the course: IT Service Desk Careers and Certifications

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- [Narrator] Sometimes on the IT service desk, you need to act like a detective. There will be some weird and wacky asks and issues you'll have to deal with. I have a tale, and I genuinely can't remember if it actually happened to me or if it's an IT folklore story that has been passed down but once there was a phone call from an end user. She said her computer wasn't turning on, so we worked through some basic checks. Power cables plugged in and seated correctly, switches turned on and any lights to indicate power to the device. When asked if others were having the same issue or if it was isolated to her, her answer was "Yes, "we all have the same issue. "There are no lights or power to anything in the office." You've got to be able to get to the heart of the problem. Sometimes it will mean understanding that when someone says their computer won't turn on, what they're really telling you is the building has no power.…
