From the course: IT Service Desk Careers and Certifications

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Customer service

Customer service

- [Instructor] While working on the IT service desk, I was taught to provide the highest level of customer service while speaking to the end users. It is a fundamental must. So what is good customer service? For me, that means doing five key things very well. Be respectful and polite. Remembering basic manners and treating everyone with respect is important. Respond to queries promptly. The IT service desk will have guidelines on how quickly you must respond to queries. Ensure those guidelines are adhered to, even if all you do is acknowledge that an end user's issue has been logged. Have empathy. On the IT service desk, you'll encounter people who are distressed, people who are angry, people who think they should queue jump due to their job, and people who are polite. Try to put yourself in their shoes when encountering people who are having a stressful time, and try and understand and help as best you can. Do…
