From the course: IT Service Desk Careers and Certifications

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CompTIA certifications

CompTIA certifications

- [Instructor] CompTIA certifications are widely recognized as the leading vendor neutral IT certifications worldwide. Their certifications align knowledge and skillsets needed by IT professionals and don't align with any product in particular. There are five certification pathways core, infrastructure, cybersecurity, data and analytics, and lastly, professional. The core skills pathway helps you build a foundation of skills. They cover a broad spectrum of topics such as operating systems, networking, and security. These exams are aimed at anyone. I've seen junior and senior engineers pursue certifications in this pathway. They help give you a good grounding in the specific area of the certification. Sometimes it's easy to know how to use a vendor product but not understand the technology area as a whole. The Infrastructure Pathway can either build upon your core skill pathway or be an independent learning path. The…
