From the course: IT Service Desk Careers and Certifications

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Certification options

Certification options

- [Instructor] Learning while doing the job is time well spent. You can learn so much from others around you or just by doing the job day in and day out. I always loved the practical side of learning and doing, but I also learned that getting qualifications is invaluable. For me, hands-on experience and professional qualifications made my CV stand out while applying for jobs. Studying for an exam, sitting the exam, and passing it are all tasks that aren't undertaken lightly. It can take a lot of discipline and time away from other things to study and take exams, but in my mind, it's always worth it in the long run. There are a lot of certifications out there that you can do without going back to full-time or part-time education, ones that can be completed in your spare time or with the support of your employer in a number of weeks or months. There are different certifications you can take that are generic to IT and help…
