From the course: Is There A Book In You? Learn to Create Your Own Masterpiece

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Writing drafts

Writing drafts

- The reason the first draft of a novel is called the first draft of a novel is because it is the first draft of a novel. Really, the first draft you should look at like a skeleton because that's what it is. It is the bones of your story, and then the second draft and the third draft and the fourth draft and however many drafts you have to do, and sometimes I've written six drafts, and sometimes I've written 12 drafts. They are putting the skin onto your skeleton and putting in the vital organs and all the really important parts. So the skeleton of your book is your first draft, and you don't just sit back (hands clapping) and go I'm done. I'm going to send it off now. Please do not do that. This is not the right thing to do. You need to edit and edit some more and edit some more, and sometimes, it's very important to take some time out and put the book away, do something else for a couple of weeks, and then come…
