From the course: Is There A Book In You? Learn to Create Your Own Masterpiece

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Write what you know

Write what you know

- Getting serious, so when I turned 30, I decided it's now, or never, I thought about writing. I talked about writing. I was working as a journalist living in London, but I hadn't actually done anything about it. And I also kept thinking, what do I have to say that's interesting? I've had a pretty normal life. And they often say, for your first book, you have to mind your own life or write what you know, for your first book, and so I kept thinking, what do I have to say that's interesting? And then as it often happens, life gives you the answer. So at the time I was married and I was trying to get pregnant and I was failing miserably and I was getting very sort of down in the dumps and I really, really wanted to be a mom. I've always wants to be a mom. And I was sitting in the fertility clinic of a hospital waiting to have more fertility treatments. And I just looked around the waiting room with all these other women…
