From the course: Is There A Book In You? Learn to Create Your Own Masterpiece

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What’s your story?

What’s your story?

- So ideas. Ideas for your first book, people do tend to say write what you know. You might think what do I know? I'm telling you, you know a lot, and some people are interested in writing fantasy fiction. Some people are interested in writing about everyday life. Some people want to write about made-up worlds, like JK Rowling, for example, but there's nothing that's not interesting enough to write about it. It's how you write about it, and if you're looking for ideas, I would suggest that you read and then read some more and then read some more. Also, figure out what your genre is. Are you going to write crime? Are you going to write young adult? Are you going to write domestic noir, which is a whole new world? Are you going to write commercial fiction? What do you like reading? What interests you, and then buy as many books as you can in that genre, and figure out what you like and what writers do that you admire,…
