From the course: Is There A Book In You? Learn to Create Your Own Masterpiece

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Trust your voice

Trust your voice

- A lot of people make the mistake when they write their first book in trying to emulate or copy somebody that they admire as voice. This is a disaster. You cannot be a JK Rowling, an Ann Tyler, a James Joyce, okay, you are who you are. And you must trust that because by being you, you are unique. Your DNA is completely different to anybody else's, and therefore your voice is different to anybody else's. So trust your voice. Now that doesn't happen easily. Sometimes it takes a couple of gos, a couple of failures. For me, it was my third book that I found my voice, the first two failed miserably to get published. We'll talk about failure. I want to talk about failure as well, but the most important thing is that if it took me three books to figure out what my voice was. And I end up writing the way I think, and the way I speak. And that works for me. Now that doesn't necessarily work for you. Maybe you'll write a more…
