From the course: Is There A Book In You? Learn to Create Your Own Masterpiece

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Tools to get started

Tools to get started

- This chapter breakdown is going to keep you on track and be very helpful. But again, I promise you, it will not stifle the creative process because if something happens in your book, the story goes this way, the characters go this way, go with it because it's amazing, when the story takes a hold of itself, where it will take you. So again, this is just to give you direction, not to actually control the book. So again, this is just a little helpful tool to get you started and to give you confidence before you sit down and write those first words, that first paragraph. Another tool which can be quite helpful is people often say to me, "Oh, it's just so daunting "to write a whole book but I could write a short story." So I would say to you, "Treat each chapter "like a short story." So let's say you're going to have every chapter's going to be 2,000 words. So when you sit down, just go, "Okay, "don't worry about the…
