From the course: Is There A Book In You? Learn to Create Your Own Masterpiece

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The value of an editor

The value of an editor

- When I first started writing, people who had more experience than me, who I met along the way, all kept saying to me that their editor became even more important than their life partner. And it's funny because, in a way, that's kind of true. What I always think is your editor should be smarter than you, and somebody whose opinion you respect. That's really, really important. I've been very lucky, I have had the same editor for the last, I think, 15 years. And she is smarter than me, and I do respect her opinion. And we've got to the stage where we now have a shorthand. I'm not precious about criticism, I don't mind people criticizing my books, I don't mind people giving me honest and open feedback. And that's what I have with Rachel. We have kind of a shorthand now. And, I would say, I agree with 90% of what she says, but there's 10% that I don't agree with, and then, I won't change it. And 90% of what she says, I…
