From the course: Is There A Book In You? Learn to Create Your Own Masterpiece

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The value of an agent

The value of an agent

- One of the questions I get asked all the time is, how'd you get an agent or should you get an agent? My answer is, yes, you should get an agent. Now, I did not have an agent when I got my publishing offer, because here's the thing. Again, it's about research and taking this seriously. So I was looking at all the different publishing journals and I saw this little ad, this was 20 years ago now. I saw this little ad saying that Penguin we're opening an office in Ireland. And I was living in London at the time, but I was Irish. And my protagonist of my book was Irish. And I thought, well, if the office is just opening, they won't be inundated with slush piles. So why don't I send it to them? And maybe the editor will actually get to see it. Because one of the hardest things about being a writer is getting an editor to actually read your book. Because I've been in my editor's office and she has slush piles of manuscripts sky high.…
